Section 25.

The Executive Board must advertise the elections at least one month before the expiry of the term of office.

Section 26.

  1. The General Assembly shall elect the members of the Board by free and secret ballot at an extraordinary election meeting convened for this purpose.
  2. All members of full age who have fulfilled their obligations towards the Association on the day of the meeting shall have the right to participate in the election and to be elected to the Executive Board.

Section 27.

  1. Members wishing to stand for election must notify the Board of Directors at least fifteen days before the election date. The Board of Directors must publish the nominations within five days, whereupon a period of five days for filing complaints begins. Any complaints must be settled within three days of the expiry of the period.
  2. Members wishing to do so may join together to form a full slate of nominees, comprising as many nominees as there are positions to be elected. The member heading the group must inform the Board of Directors in accordance with the procedure set out in the previous section.

Section 28.

  1. The election committee must consist of the President, the Secretary and one other member of the Executive Committee, if they are not candidates, or of the persons who replace them according to the law.
  2. The election committee must constitute itself on the same day as the meeting and examine the candidatures submitted in due time and form and then announce the approved candidatures.

Section 29.

  1. Each member must place his or her vote in the ballot box. The candidate with the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. In the event of a tie, a new ballot shall be held simultaneously between the two candidates and the candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected.
  2. If only one candidature has been submitted, no ballot shall be held and the submitted candidature shall be declared elected.