Section 8.

  1. The General Assembly is the supreme body of the Association; its members are members in their own inalienable right.
  2. The members of the Association meeting in a duly constituted General Assembly shall decide by majority vote on matters within the competence of the General Assembly.
  3. All members shall be bound by the decisions of the General Assembly, including those absent, those dissenting and those present who have abstained from voting.

Section 9.

The General Assembly shall have the following powers:

  1. To amend the Statutes of the Association.
  2. To decide on the legal representation, management and defence of the interests of the members.
  3. To control the activity and management of the Board of Directors.
  4. To approve the annual expenditure and revenue budget and the annual activity report.
  5. To elect, dismiss and replace the members of the Board of Directors.
  6. To set the general guidelines for the achievement of the objectives of the Association.
  7. To determine the membership fees to be paid by the members of the Association.
  8. To dissolve and liquidate the Association.
  9. All other matters provided for in the relevant legislation.

Section 10.

  1. The General Assembly must hold an ordinary meeting at least once a year.
  2. The General Assembly must meet in extraordinary session when necessary, at the request of the Executive Board or at the request of a number of members of the Association representing at least 30% of the total number of members; in the latter case, it must meet within a maximum period of fifteen days.

Section 11.

  1. The convocation of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings must be in a form that enables minutes of the meeting to be kept. The notice must be posted at least 15 days in advance in the places to be designated. The notice must also be addressed to all members individually. The notice must include the day, time and place of the meeting and the agenda. The agenda of the General Assembly must in any case include the issues raised by each Working Group, provided they have been previously communicated to the Board.
  2. The President of the Association shall chair the meetings of the General Assembly. In his absence, he shall be represented by the Vice-President. The person holding this position on the Board of Directors or the person replacing him shall act as Secretary.
  3. The Secretary shall prepare minutes of each meeting of the General Assembly, in which the minutes of the previous meeting shall be read for the purpose of approval or amendment. In any case, the minutes and all other documents shall be available to the members at the registered office of the meeting five days in advance.

Section 12.

  1. The General Assembly shall be validly constituted at the first convocation with the presence of at least 50% of the voting members present or represented.
  2. The second convocation shall take place one hour after the first convocation and at the same place and shall be announced together with the first convocation.

Section 13.

  1. At the General Meetings, each member of the Association shall have one vote.    
  2. Resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority of votes of the members present or represented.
  3. A justified majority of the members present or represented is required to pass resolutions on the separation of members, the amendment of the statutes, the dissolution of the association, the formation of a merger with similar associations or the incorporation into an existing association, the disposal of the assets and the remuneration of the members of the representative body as well as the election of the board of directors if there are several candidatures, which is the case if the number of votes in favour exceeds half of these votes, both at the first and the second convocation.